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Why Young and Healthy Individuals in Reno Should Consider Health Insurance

In the bustling city of Reno, young professionals and adults often juggle numerous priorities, from career growth to personal development. However, one aspect that frequently gets overlooked is health insurance. Many young and healthy individuals question the necessity of health insurance, especially when medical issues seem like a distant concern. But the reality is, health can be unpredictable, and the cost of medical care is consistently rising. Investing in health insurance early not only serves as a financial safety net but also offers comprehensive coverage with lower premiums.

Cost-Effectiveness of Early Health Insurance Investment

Securing Lower Premiums and Better Terms

Starting your health insurance journey early in life, particularly in your 20s and 30s, can be significantly cost-effective. Insurance companies often offer lower premiums to younger, healthier individuals as they are viewed as lower risk compared to older clients. By locking in these advantageous rates, you not only save money in the short term but also secure favorable terms that can benefit you in the long run.

Long-term Savings and Financial Planning

Investing in health insurance at a younger age is not just about immediate benefits. It's an integral part of sound financial planning. By securing lower rates now, you're setting up a foundation for financial stability. Health insurance can protect you from unexpected medical expenses that can derail your financial goals, ensuring that your savings and investment plans remain on track.

Benefits of Coverage During Medical Emergencies

Protection Against the Unforeseen

No one can predict when a medical emergency will strike. Even if you're the epitome of health right now, accidents and sudden illnesses are realities of life. Having health insurance in place means you're prepared for these unforeseen events. It's not just about having a backup plan; it's about ensuring that you can receive the best possible care without the stress of overwhelming expenses.

Peace of Mind for You and Your Loved Ones

Knowing that you're covered in case of emergencies brings peace of mind not just to you, but also to your loved ones. Your family and friends can rest easy knowing that your health and finances are protected, allowing them to focus on supporting you through recovery rather than worrying about medical bills.

The Long-term Health and Financial Benefits of Preventive Care

Regular Check-ups and Early Detection

One of the often-overlooked benefits of health insurance is access to preventive care. Regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations are crucial for maintaining good health and early detection of potential health issues. With health insurance, these preventive measures are often covered, encouraging you to take proactive steps in managing your health.

Investing in Your Future Health

By taking advantage of preventive care, you're not just taking care of your current health; you're investing in your future well-being. Regular health monitoring can lead to early intervention, lessening the severity of potential health issues and reducing long-term healthcare costs.

Incorporating Health Insurance into Your Financial Strategy

Building a Comprehensive Financial Safety Net

Health insurance is more than just a medical necessity; it's a crucial component of a comprehensive financial strategy. It protects you from the risk of incurring debt due to unexpected medical expenses, ensuring that your financial goals and lifestyle are not compromised.

The Role of Health Insurance in Financial Peace of Mind

Including health insurance in your financial planning provides a sense of security, knowing that you're prepared for life's uncertainties. It's an investment in your peace of mind, safeguarding your health and financial future.

Taking the Next Steps with Nevada Silver

As a young adult or professional in Reno, taking control of your health and financial future is crucial. Nevada Silver offers a range of health insurance plans tailored to meet your needs and lifestyle. We encourage you to explore these options, get a quote, or contact an agent for personalized consultation. Investing in health insurance is not just a prudent decision for today; it's a step towards securing your future.

In conclusion, health insurance is a smart investment for young and healthy individuals in Reno, offering cost-effectiveness, long-term benefits, and peace of mind. Don't wait until a medical emergency strikes; take control of your health and financial future today with Nevada Silver.

Health insurance is a crucial aspect of life, providing the financial support needed to cover medical expenses when illness or accidents strike. If you're a resident of Reno, NV, securing the right health insurance coverage is essential for your well-being and peace of mind. Fortunately, Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency is here to help you navigate the complex world of health insurance, and they are a Preferred Broker with Nevada Health Link, the state's official health insurance marketplace.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of having a trusted partner like Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency by your side when seeking health insurance in Reno, NV. We'll also explore the benefits of working with a Preferred Broker through Nevada Health Link.

Why Health Insurance Matters in Reno, NV:

Reno, often called "The Biggest Little City in the World," is known for its vibrant culture, stunning natural landscapes, and an abundance of outdoor recreational activities. However, like any other place, health-related emergencies can happen, and having adequate health insurance can make a significant difference in your ability to access timely and quality medical care without facing crippling financial burdens.

Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency's Expertise:

Navigating the complex world of health insurance can be overwhelming. Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency boasts a team of experts who understand the unique healthcare landscape in Reno, NV. They can guide you through the various health insurance options available, ensuring you choose a plan that aligns with your needs and budget.

reno life insurance

Nevada Health Link Preferred Broker Status:

Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency's Preferred Broker status with Nevada Health Link is a testament to their commitment to serving the local community. As a Preferred Broker, they have direct access to the latest information on available health insurance plans, subsidies, and enrollment periods, allowing them to provide you with up-to-date, accurate advice.

Personalized Solutions:

Not all health insurance plans are created equal, and your unique circumstances require a tailored approach. Whether you're an individual seeking coverage or a business owner looking for group health insurance, Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency can design a personalized solution that meets your specific needs.

Saving You Time and Money:

Health insurance can be expensive, but it's an investment in your well-being. Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency can help you identify cost-effective plans that provide comprehensive coverage. Additionally, they handle the paperwork and enrollment process, saving you valuable time and ensuring your application is processed smoothly.

Ongoing Support:

Your relationship with Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency doesn't end once you've enrolled in a plan. They provide ongoing support, helping you understand your benefits, navigate claims, and make necessary adjustments to your coverage as your circumstances change.


In Reno, NV, having the right health insurance coverage is essential for your peace of mind and financial security. Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency, a Preferred Broker with Nevada Health Link, is your trusted partner in this journey. With their expertise, personalized solutions, and ongoing support, they make sure you get the health insurance coverage that suits your needs and budget. Don't leave your health to chance; let Nevada Silver Life & Health Insurance Agency guide you through the maze of health insurance in Reno, NV, and help you secure the protection you deserve. Visit their website at to learn more and get started today. Your health and well-being are worth it.

Explore why investing in health insurance is a wise decision for young and healthy individuals in Reno. Learn about the benefits, cost-effectiveness, and long-term value of having coverage with Nevada Silver.

The Unpredictable Nature of Health and Medical Costs

In the bustling city of Reno, young professionals and adults often juggle numerous priorities, from career growth to personal development. However, one aspect that frequently gets overlooked is health insurance. Many young and healthy individuals question the necessity of health insurance, especially when medical issues seem like a distant concern. But the reality is, health can be unpredictable, and the cost of medical care is consistently rising. Investing in health insurance early not only serves as a financial safety net but also offers comprehensive coverage with lower premiums.

Securing Lower Premiums and Better Terms

Starting your health insurance journey early in life, particularly in your 20s and 30s, can be significantly cost-effective. Insurance companies often offer lower premiums to younger, healthier individuals as they are viewed as lower risk compared to older clients. By locking in these advantageous rates, you not only save money in the short term but also secure favorable terms that can benefit you in the long run.

Long-term Savings and Financial Planning

Investing in health insurance at a younger age is not just about immediate benefits. It's an integral part of sound financial planning. By securing lower rates now, you're setting up a foundation for financial stability. Health insurance can protect you from unexpected medical expenses that can derail your financial goals, ensuring that your savings and investment plans remain on track.

Protection Against the Unforeseen

No one can predict when a medical emergency will strike. Even if you're the epitome of health right now, accidents and sudden illnesses are realities of life. Having health insurance in place means you're prepared for these unforeseen events. It's not just about having a backup plan; it's about ensuring that you can receive the best possible care without the stress of overwhelming expenses.

Peace of Mind for You and Your Loved Ones

Knowing that you're covered in case of emergencies brings peace of mind not just to you, but also to your loved ones. Your family and friends can rest easy knowing that your health and finances are protected, allowing them to focus on supporting you through recovery rather than worrying about medical bills.

Regular Check-ups and Early Detection

One of the often-overlooked benefits of health insurance is access to preventive care. Regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations are crucial for maintaining good health and early detection of potential health issues. With health insurance, these preventive measures are often covered, encouraging you to take proactive steps in managing your health.

Investing in Your Future Health

By taking advantage of preventive care, you're not just taking care of your current health; you're investing in your future well-being. Regular health monitoring can lead to early intervention, lessening the severity of potential health issues and reducing long-term healthcare costs.

Building a Comprehensive Financial Safety Net

Health insurance is more than just a medical necessity; it's a crucial component of a comprehensive financial strategy. It protects you from the risk of incurring debt due to unexpected medical expenses, ensuring that your financial goals and lifestyle are not compromised.

The Role of Health Insurance in Financial Peace of Mind

Including health insurance in your financial planning provides a sense of security, knowing that you're prepared for life's uncertainties. It's an investment in your peace of mind, safeguarding your health and financial future.

Taking the Next Steps with Nevada Silver

As a young adult or professional in Reno, taking control of your health and financial future is crucial. Nevada Silver offers a range of health insurance plans tailored to meet your needs and lifestyle. We encourage you to explore these options, get a quote, or contact an agent for personalized consultation. Investing in health insurance is not just a prudent decision for today; it's a step towards securing your future.

In an ever-changing world filled with uncertainties, the thought of leaving our loved ones unprotected is a concern that plagues many. The essence of love often lies in the peace of mind that comes from knowing that our family will remain financially secure, even in our absence. This is where life insurance steps in as a silent guardian, and Nevada Silver is here to guide you through this journey toward achieving financial security.

Our Range of Term Life Insurance Options

Nevada Silver understands that life is filled with diverse needs, and as such, we offer a range of term life insurance options to cater to your specific requirements. We provide 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30-year term life insurance policies. Term life insurance doesn't build any cash value and only provides a benefit upon death. It's essential to note that the beneficiary should have an insurable interest in the insured individual's policy.

Additional Benefits for Peace of Mind

In addition to the core term life insurance coverage, Nevada Silver offers multiple-year policies that provide additional benefits to the policy owner. These benefits include:

The Power of a 10-Year Term Life Insurance

Unveiling our 10-year term life insurance, this policy is straightforward yet profoundly significant. It provides coverage for a term of 10 years. During this period, if the unthinkable happens, the policyholder's beneficiaries receive a tax-free cash payment, ensuring their financial stability. The appeal of a 10-year term lies in its simplicity and the immediate protection it offers, acting as a financial cushion during life's unforeseeable storms.

Why Opt for a 10-Year Term?

Among the array of life insurance options, the 10-year term stands out for its budget-friendly nature and the financial ease it provides, especially for those at certain life stages. It's an ideal choice for single individuals, young families starting their journey, or even those nearing retirement who wish to secure a financial safety net without a long-term commitment. Compared to other term lengths or cash value life insurance in Reno, the 10-year term is straightforward, affordable, and devoid of complexities, making it a sensible choice for many.

The Nevada Silver Edge

Nevada Silver isn’t just another insurance provider; it's a community of seasoned experts dedicated to guiding you towards the right insurance solutions. With over 35 years of combined experience in the insurance industry, the Nevada Silver team prides itself on delivering personalized service and a variety of insurance options to meet the diverse needs of Nevada and California residents. Their commitment to offering competitive insurance coverage coupled with exemplary customer service sets them apart in the market. At Nevada Silver, obtaining a quote is a hassle-free experience, with no cost attached, reflecting their client-centric approach.

Real-Life Scenarios

Imagine a young couple in Reno, just stepping into the realm of parenthood. The thought of the financial burden that may befall their child in their absence is daunting. A 10-year term life insurance from Nevada Silver provides them with the assurance that their child would have a financial foundation to rely upon should the worst happen. Similarly, for a small business owner, the sudden demise of a key partner could spell financial disaster. A 10-year term life insurance could provide the necessary funds to keep the business afloat during turbulent times.

Planning for the unpredictable is a hallmark of prudence. A 10-year term life insurance in Reno from Nevada Silver serves as a financial safety net, offering a buffer against life's harsh realities. The journey towards securing a peaceful future for our loved ones begins with a simple step - reaching out to Nevada Silver for a personalized consultation. The peace of mind that comes with knowing that your loved ones will be financially secure is priceless. Embrace the assurance that Nevada Silver’s 10-year term life insurance offers, and take a step towards safeguarding a serene future for your loved ones.

For more information and a custom quote, call us at (775) 829-1221. We’ll develop a plan just for you!

Why Should I Use An Insurance Broker?

When it comes to navigating the complex world of insurance, partnering with an insurance broker can provide significant advantages. At NV Silver Agency, we understand that finding the right insurance coverage can be overwhelming, especially if you're uncertain about your specific needs. Here's why choosing our experienced insurance agency as your trusted insurance brokers is a smart choice:

By utilizing the services of an insurance broker like NV Silver Agency, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge, extensive options, and ongoing support. We simplify the insurance process, empowering you to make informed decisions and secure the coverage you need. Trust us to be your dedicated partner, guiding you every step of the way, and ensuring that you receive the insurance solutions that best align with your requirements. Contact us today to experience the advantages of having professional insurance brokers.

At Nevada Silver, we understand that health insurance is just one aspect of your overall well-being. That's why we proudly extend our services to include a wide array of additional coverages in the insurance industry that seamlessly complement your health insurance. Take a moment to explore our insurance agency options in Nevada available to our valued clients:

Discover the myriad benefits of choosing Nevada Silver Life and Health Agency as your trusted insurance provider. While our primary focus lies in offering exceptional health insurance coverage, we go above and beyond to provide a diverse range of complementary coverages to meet all of your insurance needs. We believe in offering a comprehensive package that ensures your peace of mind and protects you and your loved ones from unexpected financial burdens.

To learn more about the full range of coverages we offer and to receive a personalized quote, we encourage you to contact our dedicated team of agents: Gina, David, John, and Mary Lou. With their expertise and knowledge of the insurance landscape, they will guide you in selecting the plan that best aligns with your unique needs.

Connect with us today at NVSilver Life and Health LLC by calling 775-829-1221. Discover the peace of mind that comes from having comprehensive coverage that truly addresses all aspects of your life. Nevada Silver Life and Health Agency is committed to providing exceptional insurance solutions and ensuring your well-being every step of the way. Trust us to be your comprehensive insurance solution in Nevada.

As we reach the golden years of our lives, it becomes increasingly important to consider the financial well-being of our loved ones and the legacy we leave behind. Life is unpredictable, and that's why life insurance is such a crucial protective measure. We'll explore the significance of life insurance, the different types of policies available, and specifically, the benefits of modified whole life insurance offered by Nevada Silver. With over 16 years of experience serving residents of Nevada and California, Nevada Silver is the independent insurance agency you can trust to provide personalized solutions for your unique needs.


Understanding Life Insurance:

Life insurance serves as a vital agreement between you and an insurance company, forging a safeguard for your loved ones. By paying regular premiums, you establish a protective shield that guarantees a sum of money will be disbursed to your beneficiaries upon your passing. This crucial financial measure provides a sense of tranquility, ensuring that those dear to you are shielded from potential hardships and can uphold their quality of life even in your absence.

When it comes to life insurance, there exists a range of policies, each carrying its own distinctive features and advantages. Term life insurance, for instance, offers coverage for a specific duration, typically spanning 10, 20, or 30 years. It serves as an affordable solution, ideal for addressing temporary needs. On the other hand, whole life insurance presents a lifelong safety net, accompanied by the accumulation of a cash value over time. This policy caters to long-term coverage, providing both security and potential financial benefits.


Modified Whole Life Insurance:

Modified whole life insurance, offered by Nevada Silver, combines the benefits of whole life insurance with added flexibility. This policy is specifically designed for individuals aged 50 and above in California and Nevada, catering to their unique financial needs.

One of the key advantages of modified whole life insurance is the cash value it accumulates over time. Unlike term life insurance, which provides coverage only for a predetermined period, modified whole life insurance allows you to build equity in your policy. This cash value can be accessed during your lifetime and utilized for various purposes, such as supplementing your retirement income or covering unexpected expenses.

Moreover, modified whole life insurance offers a guaranteed death benefit, meaning your loved ones will receive a predetermined amount upon your passing. This financial safety net ensures that they can continue their lives without the burden of financial hardships.


Nevada Silver: Your Trusted Partner:

When it comes to selecting the right insurance agency, trust and expertise are paramount. That's why Nevada Silver, co-founded by John Collier and Gina Espinal-Aguerre, stands out as a reliable choice for residents of Nevada and California. With their team of dedicated professionals, Nevada Silver has been serving the community for over 16 years, specializing in employer and employee benefit solutions, individual and family insurance options, life insurance, and retirement and long-term care protection.

As the only Nevada Health Link Preferred Broker in Northern Nevada, Nevada Silver has the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the intricacies of insurance options. They have established partnerships with a variety of insurance companies, allowing them to offer the best rates to their clients. With Nevada Silver, you can trust that your insurance needs will be handled with care, integrity, and personalized attention.


Secure Your Loved Ones' Future Today!

Life insurance is not just about financial protection; it's a testament to your love and care for your family and loved ones. With the unpredictability of life, having a reliable life insurance policy becomes even more crucial as we age. Modified whole life insurance offered by Nevada Silver provides the ideal solution for individuals aged 50 and above in California and Nevada.

The benefits of modified whole life insurance, such as the cash value that can be accessed during your lifetime, make it a powerful tool to supplement your retirement income or handle unexpected expenses. When considering an insurance agency, Nevada Silver's track record of over 16 years, specialization in various insurance options, and commitment to personalized service sets them apart.

Don't leave your loved ones' future to chance. Take action today by reaching out to Nevada Silver for a free quote. Their experienced team will guide you through the process and help you choose the best life insurance options tailored to your individual needs. Secure your legacy and ensure the financial well-being of your family – it's a decision that will bring you peace of mind and make a lasting impact. If you are looking for life insurance in Reno, contact Nevada Silver now and take the first step towards a brighter future!

It’s safe to say, we all focus on the holiday season as the end of the year approaches. 


With many things to plan, such as upcoming feasts, gift exchanges, and holiday events, it’s possible to forget some of the important deadlines approaching that help ensure our livelihood. 


One deadline quickly approaching is the end of the Open Enrollment period for health insurance purchases available to you and your family. 


The deadline for enrollment is December 7th, 2021, so be sure to enroll in health insurance before it is too late! 


Nevada Silver is here to guide you through what may feel like a complex and tedious process for many. We are the only Nevada Health Link preferred broker servicing Northern Nevada for over 16 years.


Let us walk you through some of the things you need to know before enrolling and remind you where you can enroll to receive benefits:


Things to Remember Before Enrolling.


There are several types of insurance plans available to you and your family. 


These categories are separated using Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum to name their grade. 


Each category highlights the variation in how much your plan will cost you depending on how you use it. There are also different plans and network types available to you. It is important to remember that this could lead to different experiences of the quality of service you receive. 


Furthermore, there are tools to help you search, compare and assess providers and their facilities. We want to remind you of these details because they will help you find quality insurance that meets your budget.


Where Can I Enroll?  


There are many sites available to help you enroll. 


Some of the ways you can enroll include going straight to each insurance site. 


This may seem like the best approach for some but doing this may lead you to miss discounts or leave you paying higher premiums. The good news is,we can help you find out if you are qualified to receive any subsidies for plans and enroll in Medicaid. These subsidies are available to anyone who meets certain requirements such as job loss, marriage, new residency, and other qualifying circumstances.


Subsidies help you pay for health insurance or sometimes offer free access to care. Also, Nevada Health Link shows you a variety of plan options allowing you to compare multiple carriers. This service ensures you get the best plan for you and your family's health care needs at a price you can afford.   


Let Nevada Silver Help Streamline the Process


While using Nevada Health Link may be a walk in the park for some, Nevada Silver offers free guidance to anyone feeling confused about the process of obtaining the right health insurance. 


Our staff offers over 35 years of joint experience and knowledge in the insurance industry. We help streamline the process by bringing you the best rates and highest quality customer service available to you. 


We take the time to analyze your current health needs alongside helping you prepare for future events. Our agents calculate your premiums and make sure you don't miss any tax credit opportunities. We will not only guide you through the process of picking the right insurance, but also help you receive dental and vision at no cost to you. 

Come to our team so we can hear and solve your concerns when it comes to finding the right plan. We are here to help you choose the best plan that fits your budget, needs, and life.

As the holiday season begins, many of us focus on the act of giving in order to bring joy to those we are most grateful for. Although we typically focus on gifting our loved ones with products and services, the best gift you can give just about anyone is practically free. 


Talking to loved ones about life insurance is one gift you can give that adds to your family’s prosperity and longevity. 


A survey from Spendmenot recently discovered 52% of Americans have life insurance. While that number may seem high, the number of Americans with life insurance has decreased in comparison to the previous years. This means approximately half the population will leave their loved ones with financial burdens if the primary wage earner unexpectedly passes.


Of course, you may ask yourself “how do I bring up such a heavy topic during the holiday season?”. 


While it may seem awkward at first, caring for your family doesn't have to be. This holiday season, be sure to speak with your immediate and extended family members about various life insurance options and give a gift that will last a lifetime. 


Here you will find three simple questions to help guide you when talking to loved ones about insurance options. 


“Do you have life insurance?”

This is the best place to start because it allows a simple introduction to a complex topic. This question is great because it can apply to any of your family members and not necessarily focuses on health insurance alone.


Many of us think insurance only begins with yearly coverage, so this question allows you to draw attention to the importance of life insurance no matter how your family answers. Furthermore, life insurance goes beyond elderly insurance. Meaning this question is important for your younger relatives since it can become a form of financial planning. This can help guide your family in a positive direction this holiday season. 


“Why is it important to start thinking about life insurance?” 

This question may help address your family members' misunderstandings of life insurance. Some of us may think life insurance only offers our loved ones benefits if we pass away, but it can also act as a safety-net in our daily lives.


Life insurance can pay bills and cover debts alongside protecting those who rely on your income. 

According to NEA members, these protections help you when mapping out future milestones such as marriage, parenting, home buying, and retirement. 


Ultimately, no matter what your age is, investing in life insurance allows you to support and reduce stress for yourself and your loved ones even after you pass. 


“Who do you trust when it comes to financial advice?”

This question should be asked to help understand what kinds of resources there are to your family members. 


They may trust a close friend, family member, financial advisor, certified insurance broker, or themselves when it comes to their finances. 


A recent study suggests many Americans are changing who they turn to for financial advice. 

Only 26% of Americans trust financial advisors which is a 4% decrease from 2020. The most common person an individual turns to is a spouse or a family member, making your role in addressing life insurance highly valuable. This answer will ensure that your family finds the right resources when it comes to signing up for the right type of insurance.


Although you provide options for your family members when talking about life insurance, it is important to acknowledge insurance as a financial protection policy. 


Going to a certified broker like Nevada Silver allows you to find the right protection whether you are single, married, or even own a business. As the only Nevada Health Link insurance broker in Northern Nevada, we focus on alleviating the guesswork when finding the best coverage for you and your family’s needs. 


“What should you do next?”

When all is said and done, your role in talking to your loved ones about their insurance options is more valuable than you know. Starting this conversation over the holidays is a step in the right direction for many individuals looking for insurance options going into 2022. The goal for you is to make sure your family and those you love are insured. 


Feel free to use these questions on all of the people you care about this holiday season. Many will be grateful for your support in their future success. If you don't feel comfortable guiding your family through the process of becoming insured, remember a certified life insurance broker is available to guide them. Brokers like Nevada Silver help others gain access to Northern Nevada insurance options by working with a variety of insurance companies. So give the timeless gift of having a conversation with your loved ones regarding the best life insurance options for their needs. 


To determine what kind of life Insurance you need, call the Nevada Silver Life Health Insurance agency and ask for Gina or John @ 775-829-1221, who can help determine what is the best for your Needs for life insurance and what will fit your budget the best!

Ensuring you or your loved ones are covered for long term care should be top of mind for anyone nearing their senior years. This November is National Long Term Care Month, a movement that was started to emphasize the importance of long-term care and how important it is for people to get involved in preparing for their future. As we age we begin to realize the need for having adequate health coverage, but often lack the information necessary to obtain it. Fortunately, working with Nevada Silver Life Insurance, the state’s only Nevada health link preferred broker, makes obtaining long-term care insurance a breeze. 


Learn more about Long Term Care Month and your insurance coverage options with Nevada Silver Life and Health Insurance by reading below. 


Long Term Care and Insurance


Long-term care is often necessary for seniors who are unable to handle daily tasks such as eating, bathing, or dressing on their own. These needs commonly go unmet due to a lack of proper long-term care coverage and accessibility, resulting in family members taking on the role of caregiver for their loved ones. However, this isn’t always possible as many adults have other responsibilities such as work that impede this possibility. 


On average, 78% of adults receiving long-term care rely solely on their family or friends for assistance. The caregiver typically spends 21 hours a week caring for their loved one and roughly 90% of these people had to permanently alter their work schedules to provide such care. 


Long-term care insurance ensures that those who require long-term care get the assistance they need while allowing their family members to continue their daily routines.  


Medicare Open Enrollment 


Medicare is ideal for individuals who are turning 65 or are over the age of 65 and are looking for health insurance that will help them maintain their current health and protect them from circumstances that are unplanned. Medicare open enrollment for seniors consists of two main parts; Part A and Part B. Seniors who take advantage of Medicare health insurance must enroll in both Parts A and B to be considered covered.  

Medicare Supplements, also called Medigap Plans, are designed to help pay for certain health care costs that are not covered by Medicare Parts A or B. Likewise, Medicare Advantage Plans offer people with Medicare additional benefits beyond the standard Medicare coverage through an approved HMO. 


Medicare Open Enrollment began on October 15th and will remain open until December 7th. If you need help enrolling in Medicare benefits, the expert insurance agents at Nevada Silver are there for you. There’s still time to get your Medicare benefits this year. If you are in need of assistance enrolling or reviewing your current plan contact us today! 


Nevada Health Link Open Enrollment 


Nevada Health Link is a resource available to all Nevadans that helps them find affordable health insurance plans that meet their unique needs and budget. Nevada Silver Life and Health Insurance Agency has many options for your family’s individual health insurance. 


You can purchase plans privately or through the Nevada State Exchange Marketplace, Nevada Health Link, which makes the process of signing up for health coverage simple. There are other benefits to purchasing health insurance through Nevada Health Link such as receiving premium tax credits and subsidies to cover the cost of your health insurance.


Nevada Health Link’s Open Enrollment will begin on November 1st and runs through January 15th. To ensure you receive health coverage by February 1, 2022, connect with Nevada Silver. As the only Nevada Healthlink Preferred Broker in Northern Nevada, we’re able to provide the most streamlined assistance possible.


Are you interested in working with certified health insurance brokers? Our agents at NV Silver Life and Health Insurance are here to help you find the best plan for you. Contact us today!

John collier, LUTCF, FSS, CC
Fax: (775) 826-2516
NV License #2545207
Gina Espinal-aguerre
Fax: (775) 826-2516
NV License #17287151
Mary Lou Urrutia
Fax: (775) 826-2516
NV License #3590623
David Moncuse
Fax: (775) 826-2516
NV License #3589736
Copyright © 2023 Nevada Silver  |  All Rights Reserved
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